Friday, May 17, 2024

PACCT webinar : Environmental impact, financing and link to CSRD

PACCT webinar : Environmental impact, financing and link to CSRD

Interaction between ETAP Lighting International, CHG Meridian and Base Foundation on Light-as-a-Service !

Discover our third PACCT webinar on Product as a Service! 
It was another great webinar on the 16th of May about the link between the environmental impact and Product-as-a-Service models ! Discover how PaaS model can help your company reach its business & environmental objectives, what challenges & levers you can activate through these innovative models, and what are the connection between EU regulation and PaaS models.

You can catch the replay of this insightful discussion on PaaS models featuring Dimitris Karamitsos (Base Foundation), Dominiek Plancke  (ETAP Lighting), and Simon Lutzenberger (CHG Meridian).

Find the replay, the ETAP Lighting video, the presentation document and the Q&A document from May 16th below. 

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Our next webinar on June 25th from 10:30am to 12:00pm (CET) will be dedicated to financing PaaS models. Linxfour, ABN Amro and RISE will be discussing asset financing and risk sharing illustrated by use cases. Register below !